Ming-Feng Nian
Advanced knowledge and experience in ESG, Sustainability and Project Management.
One of the two people in the US that are holding 5 LEED AP specialties and also verified as USGBC Faculty.
Please Google and visit the 'USGBC People Directory'.
Apply the 3 filters on its left side:
1 LEED Credentials- LEED AP ND
2 Associations- USGBC Faculty
3 Country/region- United States
You will get a result as 4 people but among them, only 2 are 'LEED AP (Legacy + 5 Specialties)
Ming-Feng Nian, USGBC Faculty,
LEED AP with all specialties, WELL AP, SITES AP,
GRI Certified Sustainability Professional,
EFFAS Certified ESG Analyst,
CFA Institute Certificate in ESG Investing,
Urban GreenHouse Gas Inventory Specialist,
PfMP Panelist since 2020
Living in Chicago again since Oct 2023.
[email protected]
USGBC Faculty, Jun 2022
'The Faculty designation recognizes professionals who are highly experienced and knowledgeable on the topics of LEED, green building and/or sustainability. USGBC Faculty also maintain well-honed presentation and facilitation skills.' - USGBC website
WELL AP, Apr 19, 2016
The WELL AP credential denotes expertise in the WELL Standard (WELL), a library of evidence-based building and organizational strategies that can improve the health and well-being of people everywhere. - "WELL website."
SITES AP, Dec 01, 2017
Reduce carbon emissions and regulate climate, create positive impacts at multiple scales.
UGHGIS, Apr 19, 2019
City Climate Planner - Urban Greenhouse Gas Inventory Specialist
Co-offered by WRI which issues the GHG Protocol.
CFA ESG Investing, Oct 2022
CFA Institute Certificate in ESG Investing,
To manage investments with a focus on integrating environmental, social, and governance (ESG) factors.
PfMP, Feb 27, 2014
PfMP is the most prestigious certification issued by PMI. Amount of PfMP is around 0.1% of PMP's. Please Google "2023 PMI Fact File Stats" for further details. Currently I am one of around 10 PMI's PfMP Panel Reviewers globally.
六張 LEED AP 能源環境證書,全球僅十餘人達到此目標。
USGBC Faculty 美國綠建築委員會永續學院資深講師執照。
GRI 永續準則專家 2021版 (自2023年強制使用)。
CESGA 歐洲金融分析師聯合會-特許永續分析師。
CFA-ESG Investing 美國金融分析師協會-永續投資證書。
曾是大中華唯一由溫室氣體議定書發行者 WRI 認可的 城市氣候規劃者-都市溫室氣體盤查師。(維持"大中華唯一"數年之久)
大中華區首位專案管理最高階證照 PfMP 專案組合管理師。(PfMP人數約PMP的千分之一)
受 PMI 美國專案管學會總會邀請,通過資格審查及培訓擔任全球約十名(人數會變動)的 PfMP Panelist,職責為審查該考試申請者的資格。
完成 ISO 課程:
14001 環境、50001 能源、14064-1 溫室氣體、14067 碳足跡 ; 46001 水資源效率
(前兩者被 US News 評為全美第一商學院及第七工學院)